Members Letters
Conservation Letters from Members of NSWBA
NSW Bird Atlas data: more woodland species in trouble
Stephen Debus
The recently released Atlas of the Birds of New South Wales and the ACT volumes 1 and 2 reveal some further worrying trends for certain forest and woodland birds.
The full article can be read here
How should the NSWBA address environmental degradation?
Alan Skinner
Plight of the Bush Stone-curlews on Brisbane Water near Gosford.
Alan Skinners’s letter, part published in the Spring & Winter 2016 Member’s Newsletters; read it in full here.
Alan Skinner’s letter
A recent brochure Alan Skinner has produced
Wildife Protection Area for Brisbane Water
Square-tailed Kite rescue & release
Pam Kenway
Pam Kenway’s article about the rescue and release of a vulnerable Square-tailed Kite.
This was previously printed in the Spring 2016 newsletter.
The full article can be read here